2017 GOALS

Monday, January 16, 2017

it doesn't feel like it's time to be writing another goals list for a new year again! 2016, where did it go?! this year was pretty steady for us again this time around and I am so thankful. 2016,  like every year, was about growth and setting terrifying yet satisfying life goals. because that's how we roll.

anyhow, here are some of my goals for 2017:

1. GET BACK ON A FUNCTIONING SLEEP ROUTINE: i don't think i had a great night's sleep once this past year. two year olds. enough said.

2.READ MORE BOOKS- i love reading mom/wife/homemaking books and would love to take the time to read more often!

3. CONTINUE MAKING OUR HOUSE A HOME- my ideas and goal of furnishing our entire home in a single year was a bit lofty. good things take time.

4. BABY TIME- i know, i know. this was on my goals list for last year too... the timing just wasn't quite right for baby. justin and i decided to put baby #3 on hold in hopes of better health insurance options, so we shall see! i have my eye on everything baby related these days!! eek!

5. SEND SNAIL MAIL- In my meghan trainor voice "we're bringing snail mail baaaack!"... i've always thought it would be so neat to receive snail mail from close friends and family. why not send it too?! my Mother-in-Law sends emery and gray cards for birthdays and valentine's day sometimes, even though she lives in the same state as us, and i don't think i've ever told her that i secretly really love it when she does that! i plan on keeping those sweet cards forever. sending someone a handwritten letter just to let them know you're thinking of them is so special!

6. DIY OUR OWN SHAMPOO, CONDITIONER, ETC.- with grayson and his hypersensitive skin, finding hypoallergenic/natural products that he and emery both can use is no easy feat. i would really enjoy making our own products i think knowing the kiddos aren't being lathered in toxic chemicals.- or if you have any recommendations of more natural products, they'd be greatly appreciated. 

7. CONTINUE LEARNING TO SEW- i've enjoyed learning the basics of sewing recently and even made a few pillowcases and duvet covers! i hope to make clothing for the kiddos at some point.

what are some of your resolutions for 2017? I'd love to hear them! Happy New Year, friends!                



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