Thursday, October 27, 2016

A few weeks ago Justin and I took the little ones to Northwest Arkansas for a weekend family trip. I'd been to Rogers when I was younger for Taekwon-do tournaments, but never explored the area outside of the convention center, so I was really excited to dig deeper and adventure with the family. We were impressed with how nice the area is and truly loved Northwest Arkansas - so much, that if we owned a store up there, we'd maybe (seriously) consider moving! It's truly a special place with a sense of busy-ness, but also of a tight-knit community. Everywhere we looked there were people out walking their pups, and beautiful manicured areas filled with flowers(mine and Em's favorite!). I think my favorite part of the trip was the Farmer's Market, Crystal Bridges, and Savoy Tea! The first night we explored The Botanical Garden of the Ozarks, walked around downtown Bentonville, and then went to Cabela's just to mosey around looking at animals without spending much. win-win. Grayson somehow managed to eat an entire pack of gum so you can imagine how the rest of the night went for us! haha! Motherhood, I tell you! Let's just say I've learned to pack multiple changes of clothes not only for him, but for me as well! 
Anyhow, back to beautiful downtown Bentonville. I love old homes, old cars, old buildings, so I really was in heaven with all of the architecture and charm. Of course, Emery and I had to stop and admire the plants-the fiddle leaf fig trees and rubber trees in particular!! LOVE! (I can feel my family rolling their eyes at me through the computer screen right now!ha!) While downtown we parked at the 21c HOTEL/MUSEUM located about a block from Bentonville's Courthouse Square. The museum was super modern with curiosities scattered throughout. We stopped to have dinner at The Hive located in the museum but ended up leaving once we sat down with the kiddos. I'm sure it would have been totally fine for the kids, but we just felt really out of place. Grayson resembles something of a bull in a china shop if i'm being honest. We needed something more laid back. like a food truck. and we ended up eating at both of the food trucks located directly across the street from the 21c Museum on Sunday- but that's a different story we will get to in just a bit. 
On Saturday, we braved the Farmer's Market, Savoy TeaThe Amazeum, and then drove around scoping out all of the old, historic homes downtown. Have I mentioned how much i adore old homes? Needless to say, we fell asleep as soon our heads hit the pillows that night! Savoy Tea was Emery's favorite and I can't blame her one bit. She might be little, but the girl has style! While at Savoy Tea, Emery (and Grayson) were brought tea in delicate china tea cups and a tea pot for pouring. Seriously a dream. She loved it so much I may buy her a saucer and tea cup for Christmas from their online store. Grayson needed a little more guidance and instruction on how to properly pour tea from a teapot. Bull in a china shop.
On Sunday, we walked around Crystal Bridges (and accidentally stumbled upon the food trucks located near the 21c Museum in Downtown Bentonville like mentioned previously) before heading back home. Emery and I tried our first ever crepe while at the food trucks. Although not bad, it was different than I had imagined.This trip was relaxing yet invigorating and We are chomping at the bit to visit NWA again soon! 

Happy Thursday, friends! Hope you all have a great weekend! -xo Amanda 


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