It's that time of year again where a simple magic can be felt in the turning of the wind, crispness of the air and coloring of the leaves in vibrant hues that welcomes a new season. Here at the Miramontes House we welcome new seasons and change those seasons bring with them. One thing I've learned during these three years of marriage, is absolutely nothing stays the same. Not for us. As we ventured to the fair this weekend, I could feel new beginnings forming all around: new traditions, new adventures, new hobbies, new plans and new life goals (including riding The Zipper with The Hubster at the fair next year. haha). The kids rode a few rides as I watched from afar taking it all in. I came to the realization that Emery and Gray are both growing into their own personalities. My little girl is no longer a baby, but an independent three year old unafraid of fair rides, getting a little powdered sugar on her new dress, or being that one child on the tea cup ride squealing in excitement. Gray, on the other hand, didn't care for the rides one bit as he clung to me timid and scared of the carousel. I am soaking up this phase of being needed and wanted by him because i know, all too well, it will end. Things change, my kids grow up,and seasons come and go. I am reminding myself to be mindful of life's alterations but to savor this time, this moment, and this season. nothing stays the same. not for us.